
Near Horn Head, Dunfanaghy, County Donegal

Like a small glimmer of light far away on the water,

It is there.

Like the knowledge that one wave will come after another ends,

It will come.

Like the next note that follows the one before,

It will sound.

Like the cleansing wind that brings fresh after the still,

It will roar.


c 2023 Lisa Lyons

Don’t Let the World Take Your Smile Away

Yesterday, someone tried to take my smile. I was at the supermarket, and I greeted the person and smiled. They proceeded to glare back at me with pursed lips and no greeting. I know I shouldn’t let it bother me, but it did. It made me question the smiling, the greeting. Maybe I’m just annoying, I thought. Maybe I should stop smiling at people so much.

But that is wrong. People need smiles. Not annoying smiles that are inappropriate and placed when people are grieving or in pain, but encouraging, I’m glad to see you smiles. Smiles that make us feel good, or at least better.

“Life is short. Smile while you still have teeth.” — Unknown

“There is fear when frowning. There is love when smiling.” —Maxime Lagacé

“A warm smile is the universal language of kindness.” – William Arthur Ward

¨Smile at strangers and you just might change a life.¨- Steve Maraboli

 “If someone is too tired to give you a smile, leave one of your own, because no one needs a smile as much as those who have none to give.” — Samson Raphael Hirsch

¨A smile cures the wounding of a frown.¨- William Shakespeare

 “Keep walking and keep smiling.” — Tiny Tim

I wish I could see all of you readers in person right now. We could smile at each other, and we would feel so much better. 🙂 🙂 🙂

Smiles and blessings,


The Beauty of Mystery

A soft, misty day in Ireland is a thing of beauty. The white blankets the green and grey with hints of what was and what could be. The imagination runs wild with imaginings. The hard lines of reality meld into the soft focus of dreams.

Misty Carlingford Lough, Northeastern Ireland

One of my very favorite things to say when confronted with anything I don’t understand or don’t know the outcome, is, “I don’t know…. it’s a mystery.” (loosely paraphrased from Shakespeare in Love.) And for some wonderful reason, I can relax about it and enjoy the waiting and uncertainty more. Instead of scary, things seem magical and exciting, unknown and different.

The wonder of exploring an abandoned cottage in the misty Killarney woods

The beauty of mystery, of not knowing, of release, of not so perfect, of all too human.



The Path of Life

We all are on our pathway through life. Most of us are trying our best. As you see here, everyone is walking towards the top of the hill in the Burren. Some are distracted by the things they see on the side; some are waiting for others. My son is choosing to walk on the challenging rocks, and my husband is choosing the smoother path. And me? I’m hanging back from the path, unsure of which way to proceed, and just taking the photograph.

One of the hardest things is understanding why people choose the paths they choose. It’s not our path; it’s not what we would choose. We just don’t understand it. It stresses us out.

The absolutes in this life are belief in Christ Jesus as the Son of God, His sacrifice for us and resurrection, the Bible.

The rest…. well, there is some wiggle room as to the path. Some will choose the smooth way, and some thrive on the rocks. And that’s ok. God has made us all to be different kinds of characters, different personalities. How boring the world would be if we were all homogenous robots.

Just make sure that you are following Jesus on your pathway, whatever it looks like. He will lead you well.



Waiting for the Neon Sign

I’m waiting for the neon sign to tell me what to do

A giant one hung from God above my house so blue

This way, that way, or just stay still

I long to be useful, but still in His Will

What’s the plan? What’s my purpose?

As midlife is here

I’m up for adventure

Just tickle my ear

c2023 Lisa Lyons